USA – Antisemitic flyers found in Gainesville, FL

USA - Antisemitic flyers found in Gainesville, FL
USA - Antisemitic flyers found in Gainesville, FL

Gainesville, FL – In the Rosemont, Sutters Landing, and Mile Run neighborhoods in Alachua County, antisemitic letters were found in ziplock bags filled with corn and thrown in the yards of many residents.

“I have no idea why this neighborhood was targeted Rosemont, Sutters Landing why the speech inside of these corn filled packages is just completely stomach turning,” said Eva.

Eva’s neighbor, Victor, is also Jewish, said this type of hate doesn’t belong in Gainesville and was shocked it happened in his neighborhood.

“I never really understood it and you think it’s gone, you think all this stuff really is gone and I think it’s always been there under the surface and ever so often it just has to rear its head.”

Eva and Victor said they didn’t want to share their last names, to avoid possible consequences, but she added the people who spread these messages aren’t just antisemitic.

“These people just don’t hate jews people who right this type of filth hate all minorities. They hate brown people, they hate Chinese, they hate immigrants of all colors.”

In any given ziplock bag, a message would read, “We are dedicated to stopping anti-whiteism, mass immigration of the third world, communism, degeneracy, race mixing, and to restoring the greatness of the white race.”

Gainesville mayor Lauren Poe issued a written statement in response to those flyers.

He says, “Gainesville stands with all of our neighbors in condemning antisemitic attacks in the strongest possible terms. they do not represent the welcoming and loving community we are.” Poe then asks residents to report any anti-semitic flyers to the Gainesville Police Department.

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